Hi! I am Pau

About Me

I am a Wellness and Health Coach with a special focus on mental health. My mission is to help you improve your mental well-being and transform your mind into a happier and more peaceful place—your very own inner refuge.

My journey into wellness began more than a decade ago, sparked by my own experience with a chronic health condition. Like many, I initially focused on the physical body. I became a certified health coach and explored a variety of practices, from raw foods to fasting, in search of optimal health.

However, as I poured my energy into physical healing, I found myself emotionally and psychologically fragmented. It was a challenging time, but it also became the turning point in my life.

I realized the need to care for my mind and began exploring meditation and the profound effects of chronic stress on the brain.

Through this journey of self-discovery and growth, I became a Licensed Brain Coach, deepening my understanding of how the mind and brain work together to shape our experiences.

I dedicate my expertise and knowledge to promoting overall well-being, with a strong emphasis on mental health. A healthier brain leads to a healthier mind—an invaluable gift that transforms every aspect of life.

Through education, my goal is to empower others with the tools and understanding needed to support their mental health. Every positive step you take to nurture your brain not only enhances your mind but also benefits your body, creating a holistic foundation for thriving well-being.

A little more about me

  • I am originally from Chile and have been living in Bali, Indonesia, since 2011.

  • My journey into wellness and self-discovery began with Ashtanga Yoga, which I have practiced since 2009. Over the years, I have had the privilege of traveling to Mysore, India, four times to practice under the guidance of Sharath Jois.

  • In the past 12 years, I have dedicated myself to exploring a variety of practices and disciplines. My path began with adopting and studying a raw vegan lifestyle, which I followed for several years. This led me to become a certified Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN).

  • Driven by a deep desire to find peace and nurture my mental health, I immersed myself in the practice of meditation. I have taken courses with Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield, participated in Mindful Leader's MBSR program, and learned from Rick Hanson's teachings.

  • I am also a Licensed Brain Coach through Amen University and have been an informal student of Buddhism for years, supplementing this with various mindset and personal development courses.

  • Beyond these, I am also a mother and a photographer, embracing creativity and mindfulness in all aspects of life.